About Us
Walworth School is a maintained special school in County Durham. We provide specialist day and residential education for young children aged 4 to 11, whom exhibit Social, Emotional, Mental Health difficulties (SEMH). Before joining our school and as a result of their specific behavioural or learning needs many of our children will have been unable to access an educational curriculum effectively. Walworth School is committed to raising achievement and enabling pupils to recognise their potential to make progress by supporting them through a personalised and engaging curriculum.
Our priority is to develop the foundation knowledge and skills required to make a manageable and smooth transition to the next life stage. We will offer a supportive and nurturing environment where our children develop to accept responsibility for their actions, make positive decisions and display pro-social behaviour. All pupils who attend Walworth School have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which identifies the school as the most appropriate provision for the child. The EHCP identifies the pupils’ primary and additional needs. These needs are reviewed annually through the Person Centred Review Plan.
A significant and beneficial aspect of the school is the residential provision offering a wider curriculum that focuses on social and emotional well being. The provision offers an extended day where children engage in developing their social and emotional skills in a range of planned, fun and engaging activities. Additionally sleeping accommodation for identified children is offered that provides a nurturing, caring, safe environment where love and belonging, self –esteem and self – actualization are supported in response to the level of need all children are entitled to. This provision is identified in relation to the outcomes in children’s EHCP, other services, individual class teams and will follow a referral procedure that makes sure children are correctly suitable for this additional support.
The school itself has the facility to accommodate 89 children, 10 sleeping each night and 5 accessing extended day each night.
There are three stages covering Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key stage 1 & 2
Key Stage Year Ages
- Early Years F2 4-5
- KS1 1-2 5-6
- KS2 3 -6 7-11
If you would like a paper copy (or any other format) of any of our documents on our website please speak to the school office, who will provide them to you free of charge. If you require further information please contact the school and we will do our best to help you.