Walworth Primary School

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Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LP


01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

Welcome to Class 6

All About us

General Information



In English this term, we will be reading Dog in No Man’s land by Damian Kelleher which will link in and support our history topic. This text will allow us to look at basic grammar, spelling & punctuation. We will also use it as a stimulus for our writing this term, using parts of the story to write for different purposes (both fiction and non-fiction).

Children will be read with an adult on a daily basis either using the Oxford Reading Tree scheme or a Read Write Inc. book. Children who require phonics input will receive daily interventions using a Read Write Inc. scheme.



This term, we will look at place value and then all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Daily morning maths will give children the opportunity to overlearn previously taught concepts and formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, with an arithmetic focus taking place on a Friday.


Wider Curriculum

In our wider curriculum, we will be covering topics Animals including humans - Healthy Bodies and Living things and their habitats - Classifying organisms. Our History focus is WW1. Our Geography focus is ‘Where has my food come from?’. In Computing, children will be learning desktop publishing skills, learning to stay safe online and programming. In DT children will be using electrical systems where they will create a steady hand game. In Art children will be exploring effects that can be used in photography. In French, children will complete the unit My Home. In PHSCE, our focus is ‘family and relationships’ and ‘health and wellbeing’. In Music, children will work with Durham Music Service to learn how to play the guitar. Children will also complete regular music appreciation sessions.  Finally, in RE the children will be looking at ‘What can we learn about religious diversity in County Durham?’ and then studying What do the gospels tell us about the birth of Jesus?’.



Our P.E lessons will be Tuesday afternoon where we will be studying basketball skills covering the core task ‘on the attack’ in the first half-term. During the second half-term we will be developing gymnastics skills by covering the core task ‘partner work’. 



We cook on a Wednesday afternoon where children learn about different food, nutrition and life skills.

Mr Barnes, Mrs Farley, Mrs Gibson and Mr Houlahan


Class Overviews

Class 6 Autumn Term Overview 24_25

Class 6 Spring Term Overview 24_25


For further information about our curriculum or long term plans please visit the curriculum section of our website.