Walworth Primary School

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Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LP


01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

Welcome to Class 8

All About us

In Class 8, our focus is to develop children so that they become independent, successful learners, as well as responsible citizens. We have high expectations of our children and have built a broad and balanced curriculum to help them achieve these expectations. We create a safe and nurturing learning environment where they will have opportunities to become confident and resilient learners and build positive relationships with both staff and peers.

In the Autumn term, children will take part in weekly PE sessions on a Wednesday morning. These sessions are led by the Class teacher or an external coach, with an expertise in the area of PE being taught. We will also have a half hour swimming session on a Friday down at the local leisure centre. We have a cooking slot on Tuesday afternoon, where children can create a range of meals, whilst learning the importance of food hygiene and healthy eating.

Throughout the school year we have opportunities to go out on educational trips on the school minibuses, these enrichment trips are linked to our learning and allow children to experience capital culture.



In Class 8, each term we have a class novel, which we use to teach our English curriculum through. This term our class novel is ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo. We use this text to teach skills around comprehension such as fact retrieval, inference and deduction. We also use the text to support the teaching of grammar and as a stimulus for our writing over the term. Children are heard read every day by an adult; children have their own personalised reading book, as well as the class novel. Spellings are practiced daily and tested on a Friday.



Maths objectives are broken down and taught in small steps following a concrete – pictoral – abstract approach, allowing them to become competent in their knowledge. Children also have regular opportunities to discuss and answer problem solving and reasoning questions, allowing children to apply their learning and vocalise/record their understanding. On a morning, children complete ‘Morning Maths’ work, normally focussing on a number-based objective to give the children the opportunity to continually consolidate their learning. Once complete they have opportunities to learn and practice their times tables using web-based programmes such as Times Tables Rockstars or written methods.


Class Overviews

Class 8 Autumn Term Overview 24_25


For further information about our curriculum or long term plans please visit the curriculum section of our website.