Walworth Primary School

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Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LP


01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

Welcome to Class 5

All About us 

General Information  

In Class 5, we follow a broad and balanced curriculum supporting our children to become successful learners, to develop their independence and develop the qualities of a responsible citizen. We recognise that successful learners challenge themselves, and we strive to develop positive relationships between children, their peers and adults. This in turn will prepare them to be successful in the future, where they can apply their knowledge and skills.
Class 5 have PE on a Thursday afternoon and in the Spring term will have swimming lessons on a Friday morning. On Tuesday mornings children have the opportunity to develop their independent living skills through cooking a variety of dishes, learning lots of different skills. On a Wednesday morning children enjoy a music lesson and we have the privilege of having a specialist music teacher in our class with us.
As a school we also have 2 mini buses, which we try to use as much as possible during the school year to develop our capital culture and understanding of the world we live in.


In Class 5 we teach our English Curriculum focused around a class book. This year we will be reading The Egyptian Cinderella, Who Let the Gods Out by Maz Evans and The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. As well as some poetry, Quick, Let’s Get Out of Here – Michael Rosen, Puffin book of absolutely brilliant poetry and Poetry The World’s Greatest Space by James Carter. Children are fostering a love of reading by immersing themselves in the story when its being read aloud to them. We also love lending the stories we read to drama and make the stories come alive through role play. We are also engaging with Fiction Express where we read a chapter of story and as a class, along with schools from all over the country, vote on what will happen next.
Children read to an adult, one to one, every day. They have an individually allocated reading book and have the opportunity to discuss with an adult what they are reading. Spellings are practiced daily and tested regularly.


As a school we use the small steps from White Rose, encouraging children to develop their learning using the concrete – pictoral – abstract approach (CPA). On a morning, children complete ‘Morning Maths’ work, allowing the children to consolidate learning and regularly revisit previously taught aspects of the curriculum. We also focus on arithmetic, continually improving our ability to use the four operations confidently. We recognise the importance of times tables and the impact these can have in our maths progress and so practise them daily using a variety of methods such as Times Table Rock Stars and 12×12 grids.


Class Overviews

Class 5 Autumn Term Overview 24_25

Class 5 Spring Term Overview 24_25



For further information about our curriculum or long term plans please visit the curriculum section of our website.