Welcome to Class 4
All About us
General Information
In Class 4, we follow a broad and balanced curriculum to allow our children to be independent and successful learners, develop independence and be responsible citizens. We are ambitious in Class 4 and want children to build strong, positive relationships with both staff and their peers, this will then allow them to be confident individuals and prepare them for adulthood.
Class 4 have PE on a Wednesday Afternoon and go for swimming lessons on a Friday morning during the Spring Term. We will be working with a music specialist on a Wednesday afternoon who supports the delivery of our music curriculum.
Throughout the year we will cook a variety of sweet and savoury items. This will link to our chosen topics within each term. We will also be looking at how to prepare food safely and hygienically, as well as looking at healthy options.
As a school we also have 2 mini buses, which we try to use as much as possible during the school year to experience Culture Capital. Children will visit local Museums, linking to our history topic about ‘Ancient Greeks’. We will also explore our local area looking at sculptures which will support our learning in our art topic ‘Sculpture and 3D’ where we will create our own sculptures linking to the Ancient Greeks, using inspiration from the work of our chosen artist Magdalene Oduno. We are also going to have the opportunity to take our learning outdoors in our school forest area while exploring ‘Living things and their Habitats’ in Science.
In Class 4 we aim to teach our English Curriculum using a class book. Currently our focus is on the genre of Greek Mythology. Our chosen class stories are Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head and Pandora’s Box. Children will explore these stories and use them as inspiration to create their own Greek Myths.
As a school we follow the White Rose long term plan, encouraging children to develop their learning using the concrete – pectoral – abstract approach (CPA). Children also practice their times tables in numerous ways including Times Table Rock Stars. Children further develop their knowledge each morning on arrival to school by completing daily morning calculations involving the main four operations as well as calculations based upon current and previous topics.
Class Overviews
Class 4 Spring Term Overview 24_25
For further information about our curriculum or long term plans please visit the curriculum section of our website.