Walworth Primary School

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Bluebell Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7LP


01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

School Attendance

Essential Information for Parents & Carers

Your child must attend school every day. Children who are regularly absent from school miss out on opportunities which can affect their life-long chances.

School starts at 8:50am and registration closes at 9:15am, your child will receive a late mark if they arrive after 9:15am.  If your child comes to school in a taxi and arrives late your child will not be marked late because of exceptional circumstances.

Leave of absence during term time Leave of Absence requests and attendance Letter to parents

All parents/carers are asked to read and sign an Attendance Agreement/Contract at the Pre-Admission Visit.



If your child is absent you MUST

  • Contact school on the first morning of absence – Please telephone 01325 300194
  • Send a note into school when your child returns with the reason for absence so we have written confirmation.
  • Keep school informed on a regular basis if your child is absent for a long period.



Persistent Absence

If your child’s attendance falls to 90% or below, this is considered, by Government to be persistent absence. Where attendance falls below 90% and there are unauthorised absences, this may result in a referral to the Local Authority for enforcement action.


Taxi Companies that transport your child to and from school

It is helpful to inform your child’s taxi if they are absent from school and to also inform them when they are returning to school. You should receive a letter from Education Transport informing you of the Taxi Company and telephone number. If you have any problems contacting them please contact us and we will do our best to provide you with the information.


Medical Appointments

Many children at Walworth need to attend Medical appointments. If your child is absent from school for this reason then please contact us so we can ensure this is marked as an authorised medical appointment. It is helpful if you could provide us with a copy of a letter before the appointment so we have written confirmation and can also update your child’s records.


Help & Support

If you need any help with attendance you must inform us as soon as possible.


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