Walworth Primary School

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01325 300 194

Walworth Primary School

'Listen, Learn and be Happy Together'

Mental Health & Emotional Well-being

“Supporting everyone’s emotional wellbeing and mental health, so that they can be listened to, are happy together and ready to learn”.

It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood. The department for Education recognises that, in order to help their pupils succeed: schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy.

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”

(World Health Organisation 2014)

At Walworth, we aim to promote positive mental health for every child, parent/carer and staff.  We pursue this using both universal, whole school and specialised approaches for identified vulnerable pupils and families. Please click the link below for Local & National Support Services.

Mental Health & Emotional Support for Children, Young People & Families

To help promote positive mental health in the whole school community we use several different methods that support this, our ‘Shout Out Board’, ‘Appreciation Station’, and our ‘Wellbeing displays’ which are regularly updated. In all staff areas and classes we also have a Resource File packed full of great resources for everyone to access.


Promoting & Supporting our Wellbeing

Click on any thumbnail to view as a larger slideshow: 

The link below is a great animation produced by Anna Freud ‘Let talk about Anxiety’.

Anna Freud Lets talk about Anxiety Animation

Resources – Working with All Parents and Carers

Parents are often very welcoming of support and information from the school about supporting their children’s emotional and mental health. In order to support parents we will:

  • Highlight sources of information and support about common mental health issues on our school website.
  • Ensure that all parents are aware of who they can to talk to, and how to get the support they need if they have concerns about their own child or a friend of their child.
  • Make our mental health policy easily accessible to parents.
  • Share ideas about how parents can support positive mental health in their children through our regular review meetings.
  • Keep parents informed about the mental health topics their children are learning about in PSHEC and share ideas for extending and exploring this learning at home.

View Resources for Parents & Carers
Mental Health Leaflet
Freephone crisis line

Resources – Staff 

Training opportunities for staff who require more in depth knowledge will be considered as part of our performance management process and additional CPD will be supported throughout the year where it becomes appropriate due to developing situations with one or more pupils. Where the need to do so becomes evident, we will host twilight training sessions for all staff to promote learning or understanding about specific issues related to mental health.

View Resources for Staff


Staff Training and CPD

As a minimum, all staff will receive regular training about recognising and responding to mental health issues as part of their regular child protection training in order to enable them to keep students safe. We will host relevant information on our virtual learning environment for staff who wish to learn more about mental health. The MindEd www.minded.org.uk learning portal provides free online training suitable for staff wishing to know more about a specific issue.


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